Global Parent

Global Parent

Donation frequency

Your support is very valuable. Your donation can be changed or canceled at any time.

How much would you like to donate?

Give children a better future – become a Global Parent. As a Global Parent you make regular, non-specific donations to UNICEF, enabling us to act quickly, efficiently and flexibly wherever children are in most urgent need of help. 

As a Global Parent, you make regular donations. Here's why they're so important:

1. Saving children’s lives
Thanks to your regular donations, we can respond immediately to disasters, crises and conflicts and save children’s lives.

2. Planning for the long term
Your regular donation allows us to plan for the long term and help children more effectively and continuously.

3. Straightforward help
You can make an effective contribution to children in need without much effort: set up a donation once and help again and again.

UNICEF works day in, day out to help every child access their rights. But we can’t do it alone. As a Global Parent, you can support UNICEF’s four comprehensive areas of operation: survival, child protection, education and emergency response

As a Global Parent, you help ensure that

  • every child is registered at birth and given a name and nationality;
  • malnourished children do not have to die;
  • children are protected from HIV/AIDS;
  • all children can go to school;
  • children are protected from exploitation and violence;
  • girls are given equal opportunities;
  • children in crisis areas are provided with rapid help – even in crises with low levels of media attention;
  • UNICEF implements sustainable, long-lasting development projects.

UNICEF Global Parents give children a life, a chance and a future – for just CHF 20 a month.

million doses

6,2 Mio.
of the world’s first malaria vaccine to 7 African countries.

children, adolescents, parents and caregivers

34,7 Mio.
access to mental health and psychosocial support services.

in 107 countries

412 times
with humanitarian aid in emergencies.

Global Parents receive the Good News Global Parents Report once a year, together with information about the annual report of UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein and a donation receipt.  

Global Parent

Donation frequency

Your support is very valuable. Your donation can be changed or canceled at any time.

How much would you like to donate?

You can help too!
As a Global Parent, you help build a better future for children all over the world. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.