UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein Children’s Fund | for every child

Eine Mutter füttert ihrer einjährigen Tochter therapeutische Spezialnahrung, damit sie wieder zu Kräften kommt.

More than a year after the outbreak of war, the situation for Sudan’s children remains dire. 14 million children urgently need humanitarian support. UNICEF is there on the ground, providing assistance.

Anatole Taubman

We cannot end all the world’s conflicts. But together, we can help children affected by war overcome their trauma.

Anatole Taubman, Ambassador for UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Emergency Relief Fund

With your regular donation to the UNICEF Switzerland and Liechtenstein Emergency Relief Fund, you ensure the timely provision of relief supplies and help save children in crisis areas worldwide.

Junge mit UNICEF-Hilfsgüterkiste auf dem Arm.


Icon orange Programme
went to international program work and national advocacy


Icon orange Mittelbeschaffung
was used for fundraising activities


Icon orange Admin
went to administrative and quality assurance costs